
Completed Projects
SEP 2020 – SEP 2021

Quantification of Climatic Impact of Flight Reduction during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Team Members


Dr Wang Jingyu NIE


Dr Fan Jiwen Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Dr Lin Yun University of Los Angeles, USA

Funding Agency

Department of Energy, USA

Project Description

Contrails, one of the most visible anthropogenic atmospheric phenomena, are line-shaped clouds produced by the aircraft engine. The climatic impact of contrails (for example, the warming effect to the surface temperature) has been a long-standing issue of debate, mainly because the ever-increasing aviation activities are intertwined with the global warming background, making the factorial analysis impossible to carry out from the observational perspective. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the aviation industry with a 55% decline in the number of flights globally, which provides us a valuable opportunity to quantify the change in contrails and their subsequent impacts on the global climate.