News & Events

06 Feb 2024

Be part of Singapore World Water Day 2024!

Greetings from PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency! We are gearing up for Singapore World Water Day (SWWD) in March 2024 and would like to invite you to join us to support the water cause.

SWWD and Importance of Water Sustainability

The United Nations has designated 22 March as World Water Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the importance of water. In Singapore, PUB marks the special occasion with SWWD – a nationwide community-driven initiative with strong focus on ground engagement. Each year, PUB partners organisations, schools, and community groups to spread water conservation messages through mass events, ground-up initiatives, and island-wide roadshows.


Water-Themed Events
  • Incorporate water conservation messages in existing activities and/or curate water-themed activities to promote water conservation
  • Hold a talk on water efficiency, organise in-house water conservation activities (e.g. water quiz, social media contest on water saving habits)
Water Wednesdays Dedicate Wednesdays in March to promote sustained learning and conversations about water sustainability, e.g.:

Broadcast SWWD and Water Conservation Messages
  • Sponsor out-of-home media spaces (e.g. digital screens) to broadcast the message of water conservation
  • Broadcast water conservation messages through intranet
  • Share about your organisation’s water sustainability efforts on social media
  • Share a thought article about water conservation on your LinkedIn page
SWWD Mass Event
  • Join us in-person at SWWD mass event showcasing community efforts in advocating for the water cause, which will be held in early March.
Share Your Sustainability Story
  • Share with us your organisation’s efforts in sustainability and water conservation/efficiency

Even though Singapore has built a robust, diversified, and sustainable water supply from four water sources known as the Four National Taps – Water from Local Catchment , Imported Water, high-grade reclaimed water known as NEWater and Desalinated Water, water remains a precious and scarce resource that we must not take for granted. By adopting water-saving habits and using only what we need, we can play a part to ensure water sustainability and contribute to climate action by reducing our carbon footprint. Your involvement is key in encouraging communities to play a part towards water sustainability!

Key Initiatives of SWWD 2024

Last March, over 400 partners joined us in SWWD through diverse activities in a meaningful way. For more information on our campaign in 2023, you can watch our campaign video, or visit our campaign website. The table below shows the initiatives that schools can participate in SWWD 2024 to support the water cause. If you have a strong interest in sustainability and would like to propose new ideas, we are happy to hear from you and discuss further!

SWWD 2024 Initiatives

Join us for SWWD 2024:

Please indicate your interest to join us for SWWD and share with us your ideas on potential activities/collaborations.

For early info, we will require participating partners to submit:

  1. Your organisation’s logo (high resolution 300dpi) – to submit by 7 Feb 2024for your logo to be included in the first tranche of publicity materials.
  2. Images of upcoming SWWD activities – to submit by 7 Feb 2024 to be potentially included in the first tranche of publicity materials.

After 7 Feb, publicity materials submitted will be updated progressively on our website.

PUB will be able to support your activities with resources such as tokens, publicity materials and learning resources. Let us know as soon as possible so we can follow up to discuss further with you.

In recognition of your support, PUB will acknowledge partners on the SWWD website. There will also be potential mention in PUB press release and/or Media Annex, and potential feature on PUB’s social media post and other paid advertising. A certificate of appreciation will also be issued after the event. For details on features of selected partners who have gone out of their ways to celebrate SWWD, please refer to Annex 1 below.

Contact Us

Should you require more information, please feel free to contact us. Let’s all come together in support for the water cause, we look forward to hearing from you soon!