News & Events

27 Oct 2023

Geospatial for the public: Guest lecture by SLA Geospatial & Data Division

On the 27th October 2023, SLL welcomed colleagues from the Singapore Land Authority (SLA) for a guest lecture in a Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) course, where Industry Partner Justin Chua and Principal Geospatial Consultant Megan Ann Pang shared on GIS in public sector agencies. Tasked to geo-enable Singapore in its journey to be a smart nation, the SLA Geospatial & Data Division (GSDD) facilitates the adoption of geospatial data, services and technologies to drive innovation, the economy, and services that benefit the public. Justin and Megan introduced Singapore’s National Spatial Data Infrastructure, the authoritative data of OneMap and OneMap3D, and inter-agency initiatives that streamline logistics, guide emergency responders, maintain a city in nature, improve wheelchair accessibility and optimise public administration. The audience was treated to firsthand implementation experiences on data sharing and geo-enablement for inclusiveness, equality, productivity and sustainability, adding new colours to the meaning of GIS. Thank you, Justin and Megan, for the inspiring and insightful session!