
The new SLL room (NIE3-2-26)

The Sustainability Learning Lab now boasts a newly refurbished room that is multi-functional in nature. It is well-furnished with convivial group discussions, lively debates and collaborative learning in mind. Apart from housing curriculum resources and serving as a seminar room for tutorials, workshops or lectures on sustainability-related topics, the SLL room also doubles up as […]

The new SLL room (NIE3-2-26) Read More »

SLL’s physical spaces (The SLL room, GIS Lab and Environmental Studies Lab)

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Lab has 25 work stations to facilitate teaching, learning, and research related to cartography, GIS, and remote sensing. Each work station is installed with mapping software (e.g. ArcGIS, ERDAS IMAGINE) for students or staff to process, analyse, and visualise geospatial data (in the form

SLL’s physical spaces (The SLL room, GIS Lab and Environmental Studies Lab) Read More »

Learning about the environment – an interdisciplinary experiential camp at St John’s Island Complex

Learning about the environment – an interdisciplinary experiential camp at St John’s Island Complex 25 June 2022 A/P Tan Aik Ling and Dr Tricia Seow, together with the staff of the St John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, officers from CPDD, and a team of 10 NIE student-volunteers, ran a 3-day camp on the St John’s

Learning about the environment – an interdisciplinary experiential camp at St John’s Island Complex Read More »

Sustainable Schools for a Sustainable Singapore

Sustainable Schools for a Sustainable Singapore 14 Jul 2021 World Wildlife Foundation invited the Sustainability Learning Lab to participate in a conversation with a teacher and student from Singapore as part of Climate Action Week 2021. Dr Seow, SLL co-chair, argued for a sustainability curriculum that gives students them authentic hands-on opportunities to innovate and

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