Teaching And Learning Resources

For reference please look at https://sll.hsse.nie.edu.sg/Home/Portal
The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) lab has 25 work stations to facilitate teaching, learning, and research related to cartography, GIS, and remote sensing. Each work station is installed with mapping software (e.g. ArcGIS, ERDAS IMAGINE) for students or staff to process, analyse, and visualise geospatial data (in the form of e.g. land cover/use, flood/drought hazard/risk maps) […]
Adva is an educational application designed to raise environmental consciousness and to incite individual action for transformative social change. It serves primarily as a calculator of the user’s carbon footprint based on their lifestyle choices. It also incentivises environmentally sustainable tasks/practices by awarding the user with discounts or cash back on sustainably sourced/produced items, as […]