Teaching And Learning Resources

Adva carbon calculator app

Adva is an educational application designed to raise environmental consciousness and to incite individual action for transformative social change. It serves primarily as a calculator of the user’s carbon footprint based on their lifestyle choices. It also incentivises environmentally sustainable tasks/practices by awarding the user with discounts or cash back on sustainably sourced/produced items, as well as Starbucks vouchers. Additionally, Adva is able to recommend customised tasks/activities based on the user’s overall lifestyle proclivities while informing them on how their actions may benefit the environment. Accordingly, users can select a preferred carbon reduction path to embark on, as well as imagine their own virtual sustainable ‘planet’. More details can be found here (https://www.adva.io/).  

If you are interested to know more about the pedagogical affordances of the Adva app please and digitally enabled learning in general, please refer to (insert link to) an article written by student teacher Colin Leong.

Please click on the links below to learn more about using Adva and the Teaching & Learning Resource Package

A Step By Step Guide on how to use Adva

Teaching and learning resource package: Using the Carbon Calculator Application (Adva) as a pedagogical tool to promote pro-environmental action